Return and refund policy
You have 14 days to change your mind after your purchase. Once this period has elapsed, we unfortunately cannot guarantee a full refund or exchange of the product.
To exercise your right of return and refund, your item must be unused and in the same condition as when delivered. It must also be in its original packaging.
To return an item, please contact our After-Sales Service by e-mail at, providing a receipt or other proof of purchase.
Under no circumstances should you return your product without first informing our customer service department. Should you fail to do so, we reserve the right not to reimburse you for the cost of returning the product.
Refunds (where applicable)
Once we have received and reviewed the returned item, we will send you an email acknowledging receipt of the item. We will also let you know our decision on your refund request.
If your refund request is accepted, it will be processed, and a payment will automatically be made to your credit card or otherwise, depending on your method of payment, within 3 to 5 days.
Late or missing refunds (where applicable)
If you have not yet received your refund, please check your bank account again first.
Next, contact your credit card issuer, as there may be a delay in the posting of the amount equivalent to your refund.
Then contact your bank. There is often a processing delay before a payment takes effect.
If after going through all the steps and finding that the refund has not been made, please contact us at
Send your item by post to the following address:
Oerschbachstraße 47
Düsseldorf, 40599
We would like to inform our future customers that we have no so-called physical stores in the US and that all our business activities are carried out exclusively online. Therefore, in the event of an order being returned due to a change of mind on the part of the customer, or in any other case, the item will be shipped to our warehouse in Germany. The customer will only be reimbursed for return shipping costs if the product is found to be defective or has been damaged in transit. You must notify us of any defects by attaching a few photos to your e-mail. If the return of the product is justified by an incorrect order or a change of mind, and we are not informed of this before the product is sent back by the customer, we will not refund the return costs. You can avoid these costs by informing the delivery person of your refusal to receive the parcel. In this case, the delivery person is obliged to return the product to the warehouse, and all related costs will be borne by our company.
You have 14 days to change your mind after your purchase. Once this period has elapsed, we unfortunately cannot guarantee a full refund or exchange of the product.
To exercise your right of return and refund, your item must be unused and in the same condition as when delivered. It must also be in its original packaging.
To return an item, please contact our After-Sales Service by e-mail at, providing a receipt or other proof of purchase.
Under no circumstances should you return your product without first informing our customer service department. Should you fail to do so, we reserve the right not to reimburse you for the cost of returning the product.
Refunds (where applicable)
Once we have received and reviewed the returned item, we will send you an email acknowledging receipt of the item. We will also let you know our decision on your refund request.
If your refund request is accepted, it will be processed, and a payment will automatically be made to your credit card or otherwise, depending on your method of payment, within 3 to 5 days.
Late or missing refunds (where applicable)
If you have not yet received your refund, please check your bank account again first.
Next, contact your credit card issuer, as there may be a delay in the posting of the amount equivalent to your refund.
Then contact your bank. There is often a processing delay before a payment takes effect.
If after going through all the steps and finding that the refund has not been made, please contact us at
Send your item by post to the following address:
Oerschbachstraße 47
Düsseldorf, 40599
We would like to inform our future customers that we have no so-called physical stores in the US and that all our business activities are carried out exclusively online. Therefore, in the event of an order being returned due to a change of mind on the part of the customer, or in any other case, the item will be shipped to our warehouse in Germany. The customer will only be reimbursed for return shipping costs if the product is found to be defective or has been damaged in transit. You must notify us of any defects by attaching a few photos to your e-mail. If the return of the product is justified by an incorrect order or a change of mind, and we are not informed of this before the product is sent back by the customer, we will not refund the return costs. You can avoid these costs by informing the delivery person of your refusal to receive the parcel. In this case, the delivery person is obliged to return the product to the warehouse, and all related costs will be borne by our company.